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Visual Literacy Response

Visual literacy is an emerging skill in our ever-increasing digital world. Visual literacy was nonexistent just a few decades ago but ever since the internet boom it has been ever more needed. It encompasses the ability to interpret, analyze, and create visual messages, whether they are in the form of photographs, advertisements, infographics, art, or videos. In today's world it is very often to see misleading or flat-out fake images/videos, so it is important for people to be educated in visual literacy. There are fake news articles out there with doctored photos. Photos on our social media are edited to make people look better than they do in real life. It is important identify these things in your everyday life. An interesting quote I took from the article was that "print material had an average of 13 seconds in which to capture attention; thresholds of interest had to be reached quickly, and the first, most critical threshold was visual interest". I found this piece of the article interesting and relevant because lately I have been noticing how short the attention span of the public is. On TikTok, some posts have two videos going on at once, for example one video will be a stand-up comic and the other will be a person playing a videogame. This is because people will scroll away and lose interest if there is not something visual going on. I think if the world continues on this trajectory, it could have bad consequences so I think education on visual literacy could be a great thing.

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