As I am starting approach this project I feel a little lost. I am wondering how I can craft a story out of random sounds and I am having a difficult time thinking of a story/theme to make a composition out of. The sounds in the sound folder at initial glance don't feel like enough to craft something out of, but I guess that is the point of the project. I think I just have to start playing with some and see how I feel as I go. I have a few very general themes I have thought of so far that I can base my initial work around.
#1: An adventure through a city. With the noises in the folder I could try to make city noises and create a a hectic feel like you would get in a city.
#2: Emotions. Go on a journey of the human emotions presented through sound. Happiness, sadness, nervousness, fear, etc.
#3: Journey to space. I heard some beeping noises in the folder and I had an idea that that could be rocket ship noises and I could craft a narrative around space travel. I think it would also be interesting to play into how space has a lack of noise, and it could be an interesting contrast.
#4: A past experience in my own life. Try to play out one of my own memories whether happy, sad or in between, and use sound to take listeners through the emotions I felt in that memory.