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Brainstorm Blog #1

After learning more about zine culture and zines, I am very excited to actually start making them. I am a bit nervous; I have had zero experience using photoshop or illustrator and I am worried that I won't be able to translate my ideas into images properly. I have a few ideas floating around in my head so far about what I could possibly make. My first idea is to make a comic book style zine and have it tell a story as you turn the pages. I have no idea whether it would be about a preexisting superhero/villain or maybe one of my own creations. I am leaning towards making something/someone of my own creation. I do not think the story would be too complex because I want to aim for it to be mostly visual. Unlike a real comic book there would be no text or thought bubbles to convey the story so I will have to really think out how to tell the story visually. My second idea is to make a series of zines illustrating common idioms such as "cat got your tongue" or "kill two birds with one stone". Each page would be a different idiom. My final idea would be to do something similar to the activity we did in class where we illustrated random stories and made them into a zine. Maybe make a Madlib type story and I could have people fill in the blank words and then I could make a zine out it. So far those are my ideas, I think I need to refine them a bit, but I am excited to start working.

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